Where is the best spot to wear a pedometer?
It all depends on which spot works best for you! For some people the best spot it is on their belt above their knee. For others, it is on their belt, but it is at their hip. Still others get a truer measurement with the pedometer closer to their back. Usually the best spot is on the belt somewhere between the knee and the hip. One key is to make sure that the pedometer sits in a horizontal fashion. A person that carries a lot of extra weight or wears baggy clothes may have to make adjustments in order to get a proper spot for their pedometer.
The way you find your best spot is to put your pedometer on in one spot and take the 100 step test. After you put your pedometer on, push reset, then walk 100 steps. Then, simply check your pedometer and see if it reads somewhere between 93-107 steps. If it does, you probably have a good spot for your pedometer.
Here is a trick I learned for people that just could not find a good spot after several attempts. If a spot on your belt does not work try using a large safety pin attached to your pants. Attach the pedometer as horizontally as possible on the pin. Again, take the 100 step test. Keep trying until you find your best spot.Lastly, if you have tried numerous ways to wear your pedometer and it still does not record accurately, have a friend try the same pedometer to see how it works for them. If it doesn't work for them either, I would try a new battery. A battery with low life often leads to inaccuracy when counting steps.
Sometimes people spend a lot of money on a pedometer that will never be accurate. Others spend - on an accurate pedometer and it lasts them for years. If you want a solid and dependable pedometer for yourself, your friends, your school, or your company. Do a search for wellness pedometers in the major search engines. Why not promote a 10,000 step wellness program at your workplace or in your community!
A pedometer is such a great fitness tool. The key is to wear it everyday and keep finding ways to be more active and fit. Be sure to wear reflective material if your walking at night. Distracted drivers are everywhere!